![]() Catalyst for cleaning internal combustion engine exhaust gases and method of producing same
A three-way catalyst is described for the purification of automobile exhaust gases formed of an active substance of platinum and rhodium and possibly base metal(s) at a certain weight ratio between the two noble metals and at a certain atomic ratio between the noble and the base metal, which are precipitated onto active aluminum oxide containing certain quantities of CeO2, ZrO2 and Fe2O3, and whereby the catalyst is obtained by impregnating active aluminum oxide, possibly stabilized with alkaline earth metal, with a solution of cerium, zirconium and iron salt which is thereupon calcined in air at 500 DEG -700 DEG C. and then treated after application of an impregnation of salts of the active substance components in a gas current containing hydrogen at temperatures below 650 DEG C. 公开号:SU1170958A3 申请号:SU802864199 申请日:1980-01-08 公开日:1985-07-30 发明作者:Боцон Альфред;Коберштайн Эдгар;Плетка Ханс-Дитер;Фелькер Херберт;Лакатос Эдуард 申请人:Дегусса Аг (Фирма); IPC主号:
This invention relates to a catalyst for purification of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines and a method for its preparation, in particular to catalysts that simultaneously contribute to the oxidation of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons and the reduction of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases of internal combustion engines, as well as to the use of these catalysts. The purpose of the invention (; nor is the activity of the catalyst due to promoters. FIG. Figure 1 shows schematically the installation used for the technical testing of the proposed catalysts, having a motor 1, the preparation of the mixture for which is regulated by the regulating device 2. The regulating device 2 receives its parameters from the oxygen probe 3, which is located in the exhaust gas flow of the motor. The exhaust gases are then passed through a test chamber with a catalyst 4, and before and after this chamber samples can be taken, which are fed to analyzers 5. On the recorder 6, the results are recorded FIG. Figure 2 shows the dependence of the conversion on the ratio of air: fuel A; F; in fig. 3 - the width of the window with certain compositions of the catalyst is achieved with respect to 80.85 and 90% conversion of CO and NO; in fig. 4 - shift the optimal operating point of the catalyst in the region of low concentrations, depending on the specific composition of the catalyst; in fig. 5 - signal of the measuring probe for oxygen before and after the three-directional (trifunctional) catalyst at high air ratio: fuel L - 0.9677-0.9992; in fig. 6 - signal of the measuring probe for oxygen before and after the three-directional (trifunctional) catalyst with a low ratio of air: fuel L = 1.0037-1.0175. Example 1 (comparative). A structural, honeycomb-shaped cordierite enhancer (700 g) is washed several times with a 30% aqueous gamma-alumina dispersion, it is between separate washing processes, and 180 g of AljO is applied. After that, the substance is kept at 120 ° C ((3 h) and then calcined: 900 ° C (1 h). After cooling the coatings with a substance carrier, cordierite cells are treated with aqueous solutions of cerium and zirconium nitrate so that after the substance and calcination 7.5 g of cerium oxide and 10 g of zirconium oxide (15.8 g of cerium nitrate and 26.2 g of zirconium nitrate were left in the AljOj layer at 60 ° C for 60 min.) After that, the coated amplifier was immersed in an aqueous solution of hexachloroplatinic acid , rhodium chloride and aluminum nitrate (3.8 g HjPtCl; 0.73 g PhCl: 8.25 g AUNOg) and with tub for 12 hours. The total content of the noble metal after this treatment is 2.16 g with the Pt: Ph ratio of 5: 1, the aluminum content of 1.08 g in relation to the weight ratio of the noble metal to non-precious 2: 1. The salts of the noble metal precipitated on the carrier material are reduced in a stream of hydrogen at 500 ° C for 1 hour. The BET surface area of the catalyst prepared in this way is 15-20. Example 2 (proposed catalyst). A honeycomb-shaped 1D cordierite amplifier (700 g) is coated as in Example 1 with 180 g of gamma-oxide a; mention it, dried at 120 ° C and calcined at 500 ° C for 1 hour. Instead of normal alumina, (Kotor with the addition of Ca ions (5.4 g CaO) gets additional stabilization. The body prepared in this way is then treated with an aqueous solution of cerium acetate, zirconium acetate and iron nitrate (12 g of GeOg from 22 g of cerium acetate 111; 12 g of ZrO from 32 g of zirconium acetate; 12 g of 36.3 g of FefNO), ) so that after drying and calcining at 700 ° C for 60 minutes, the deposited layer contained 6.6% cerium oxide, 6.6% zirconia and 6.6% iron oxide, respectively, based on the amount of alumina introduced The impregnation of the carrier substance with a noble metal (Pt: Ph) and aluminum wire as in Example I, so that again 2.16 g noble metal is used as the active phase for Pt: Ph - 5: 1 and. 1.08 g of aluminum in accordance with the weight on-weighing of the noble metal and unprotected metal 2: 1. The BET surface area of catalyzed 18-24 catalyzed in this way. Three more samples of the proposed catalyst were made in the same way and with the same distribution of noble and non-precious metals. Only the composition of the oxide layer acting as a carrier of the active phase varies: a) 4.2% 5.6% 1% b) 4.2% 5.6% 2% c) 4.2% 5.6% 4% FejO based on the amount of alumina introduced. The amounts of the composition and: 7.5 Ogr from 13.8 g of cerium acetate 111; 10.0 f ZrOjHS 26.6 g. Zr acetate 5.4 g. Pe (NO) h. ZrOj as in the composition of 10.8 g of Fe (NO,),. Entered amounts to the composition and ZrO ,, as in the composition of 21.6g. Re (MO) h. Example. 3. The catalysts prepared in accordance with examples 1 and 2 are checked into the exhaust gas flow of an internal combustion engine, or with an external ignition of FIG. 1, on a triple-function catalytic activity. The test parameters are as follows: 4-cylinder engine with non-fuel injection with Bosh-K-Dzhetronik; dynamic test, frequency 1 Hz; (range of bath is ± 0.068; exhaust gas temperature 450 ° C; volumetric velocity 75,000 aging of the catalyst; engine 150 h; h (test range 0; 975-1.008. Before the catalyst, the following composition of VYHLOPN1.1X gases is measured: СО3-1 , 5 vol. 7g NS, 380-300 ppm, 2400-1700 ppm 1.7% by volume 10-12% by volume The results of these studies, together with the results of the comparative catalyst, are presented in Table 1, conversion, - f (). The mean values from two samples are given in Table I. The addition of iron oxide, together with cerium oxide and zirconium oxide to alumina, significantly changes the dynamic The proposed catapi: mash versus catalysts containing only cerium / zioconium oxides A. Figure 2 shows the conversion of CO, HC, and NO catalysts used in Example 1 or 2 as a function of the air: fuel ratio. the intersection of the CO / MO curves of the conversion at the proposed catalyst shifts to lower values by 41 0.015, which allows the engine / catalyst system to work with a lean mixture and leads to lower fuel consumption. But if the catalyst is supplied with depleted exhaust gas, it works better, resulting in a reduction of especially critical emissions at the start of engine start. As can be seen from the table. 1 and FIG. 2, the degree of conversion of CO and N0, when using pred 584 lagged catalyst is increased, which leads to a further decrease in environmental pollution. B. From FIG. 3, it is possible, as certain compositions of the proposed catalysts, to change or extend the limit of the 1-window, which indicates the degree of conversion of CO and NOx at a certain degree of conversion of hydrocarbons, which is a measure for the range of application of the catalysts. With an increasing content in the proposed catalyst, the components of iron oxide in the l-window, in contrast to the comparative catalyst, are significantly expanded. In fng. 4 shows the shift of the optimum operating point of the catalyst to a low range depending on the specific compositions of the proposed catalyst according to the invention, as follows from the curve, the optimum mixing is achieved when the content of the iron oxide component is 2-6% based on the alumina introduced. In the operation of the comparative catalyst (Example 1) in the required area to achieve satisfactory conversion (rj 0,983-0,487), the measuring oxygen probe 3 in FIG. 1 is loaded with bold exhaust gas. As can be seen from FIG. 5, as a result of this, the probe signal is distorted. FIG. 5 and 6 shows the probe signal before and after the catalyst on which hydrogen contained in the exhaust gas and a portion of carbon monoxide are converted (these harmful substances affect the probe signal). Compared to the probe signal after the catalyst, which may be considered normal, the probe signal in front of the catalyst in FIG. 5 is not fully expressed in the field of catalyst control. As a result, the voltage of the probe jumps over the system control area, which leads to excessive fluctuations in the formation of the mixture and, thus, to a higher emission. When using the catalyst prepared according to the invention, it is possible to ensure engine operation with a leaner mixture (h - 0.998-1.005). In this region, the probe signal, as can be seen from FIG. 5 and 6, is expressed much better. As a result, the overall control system works more precisely, and the catalyst is loaded with the composition of abixnof gases that is required for optimal conversion. Consequently, emissions are significantly reduced. Due to the envisaged quantitative measurement of additional elements to the carrier material of the proposed catalyst, it is possible to reconcile the most favorable operating point of the catalyst with the optimum operating principle of the engine. Example 4. A. Catalysts prepared in accordance with examples 1 and 2 are tested in the exhaust gas stream of an internal combustion engine with foreign ignition for their ability to convert depending on the temperature of the exhaust gases. The test parameters are as follows: 4-cylinder engine with direct fuel injection with Bosch-K-Jetronic; 4-1.0026; exhaust gas temperature 200-45 ° C; space velocity of 75,000 hours old (catalyst: engine 150 hours, about 0.995 hours. The following exhaust gas composition is measured before the catalyst: CO0.45% by volume of HC260 ppm 3000 ppm 0.46% by volume 15.0% by volume 0 , 45 vol.% 260 ppm 3000 MD D. 0.46 vol.% 215.0 vol.% B. The catalyst prepared according to example 2 is examined in the exhaust current of an internal combustion engine with spark ignition for its ability to convert Depending on the temperature of exhaust gases at various ratios, the air: fuel. Test parameters are as follows: 4-cylinder pump-carburetion engine with Bosch Cjetronic; - 09826; 0.9930; 1.0024; exhaust gas temperatures of 200–450 ° C; volumetric velocity of 75,000 h. As can be seen from Table 2, the point at which the temperature jump began, i.e. 50% conversion is achieved with all three components of harmful substances. In Table 2, conversion f (exhaust gas temperature) shows the average of two samples, B. The catalyst prepared in Example 2 is examined in exhaust gas flow from an internal combustion engine with foreign ignition to its ability to convert dependencies on the temperature of the exhaust gases at different ratios of air: fuel. The test parameters are as follows: 4-cylinder engine with direct fuel injection with Bosh-K-Dzhetronik; h - 0.9826; 0.9930; 1,0024; exhaust gas temperature 200 - volumetric speed of 75,000 hours; catalyst aging: engine 150 h f |, about 0.995. Before the catalyst, the following exhaust gas compositions are measured: CO,% vol. 0.92 0.670.46 NS, pcs269245265 2370 2430 2990 ppm About5g 0,46 0,36 0.40 about.% 14.75 15.0 14.95 p - 0.9826 p- 0.9930 , - 1.0024 This example clearly shows how the starting points of the temperature jump for the CO and HC catalyst as a result of a shift in the air: fuel ratio in the lean region receive lower values, since there is more oxygen for the conversion. The results of this series of tests are given in table. 3, where the conversion is f (exhaust gas temperature at different values). Example 5. The catalyst is prepared according to examples 1 and 2, with the exception that instead of aluminum in the active phase there is nickel in a 4: 1 weight ratio between non-noble and noble metals . Amount entered: 8.64 g Nt from 26.8 g Ni (MO j). The test results are the same as described in examples 3 and 4. Example 6. A structurally shaped, honeycomb amplifier made of heat-resistant, scale-resistant iron containing aluminum and chromium metal alloy (1000 g) is heated to create a reinforcement-friendly surface. oxygen-containing gas for 3 hours at 950 ° C and coated with a catalytically active substance in the same sequence as in Examples 1 and 2. The amplifier covers 180 g of active alumina, which contains 4 g of cerium oxide and 6 g of zirconium oxide in a comparative catalyst and 4 gcerium oxide, 6 g of 1Shrconi oxide and 5.4 g of iron oxide in the proposed catalyst. The active phase is composed of 1.64 g of noble metal in the ratio of Pt Ph 5: 1 and 0.85 g of aluminum. The test results on the engine test bench are the same in trend as the results obtained in examples 3 and 4. Example 7. The 2 l carrier material in the form of molded active aluminum oxide material with a bulk weight of about 0.5 kg / l is divided into two parts. One part (500 g) is impregnated with a solution of Ce / Zr salts in accordance with the content of 4.7 g of cerium oxide and 13.3 g of zirconium oxide (4.7 g of cerium oxide from 8.5 g of cerium acetate are introduced 111 and 13.3 g ZrO2 from 35.4 g of zirconium acetate), another part (500 g) is impregnated with a solution of Ce / Zr / Fe salts in accordance with the content of 4.7 g of cerium oxide, 13.3 g of zirconium oxide and 7.5 g of iron oxide (enter but with respect to the compounds of cerium and zirconium, the indicated amounts and relatively, 7.5 g from 22.5 g of Pe (MOz) 3). After drying at 50 ° C (4 hours) and calcining the thus treated bulk for one hour at 700 ° C, the active phase is applied to the bulk material by contacting with an aqueous solution of hexachloroplatinic acid and chloride for 111 with a Pt: Ph ratio of 10: 1 ( 0.364 g of Pt from 0.768 g, 0.0364 g of Ph from 0.073 g of PhClj) were introduced in such a way that 0.4 g of a noble metal were in each part. After drying at 150 ° C (12 h), both catalysts are subjected to a one-hour reduction treatment with hydrogen at 550 ° C. Test results are the same as described in examples 3 and 5. Example 8. Comparative and proposed catalysts are prepared according to the recipe of examples 1 and 2. However the alumina slurry is mixed with a mixture of oxides of cerium, zirconium or cerium, zirconium and iron before applying to the structural enhancer so that, after annealing at 70 ° C, the compositions indicated in these examples are relative to their oxides. The process is then carried out as in Examples 1 and 2. The results are the same as in Examples 3 and 4. Example 9 (comparative). The catalyst is prepared as described in Example 1. Only the Pt: Ph ratio varies over a wide range, all other weight data and relationship data remain unchanged. The ratios of the noble metal are as follows: a) Pt: Ph 2: 1 of 3.04 g and 1.46 g of PhClj b) Pt: Ph 5: 1 of 3.80 g - and 0.73 g of PhCl, c) Pt: Ph 11: 1 of 4.18 g - - and 0.37 g of PhCI g) Pt: Ph 19: 1 of 4.33 g - - and 0.22 g of PhCI Recovery of the noble metal salts deposited on the nose material is made by molding gas (5% H residue Nj) at a temperature of 600 ° C for half an hour. The BET surface area of the catalyst prepared in this way is 15-20. Example 10 (proposed katali: ptor). The catalyst is prepared as described in Example 2. Only the Pt: Ph ratio is changed in the same range as in Example 9. The weight data and relationship data, as opposed to Example 2b, remain the same. The ratios of the noble metal are as follows: a) Pt :: Ph 2: 1 of 3.04 g and 1.46 g of PhCl b) Pt: Ph 5: 1 of 3.80 g - - and 0.73 g of Phd c) Pt: PH 11: 1 of 4.18 g -. - and 0.37 g PhClj g) Ft; Ph 19: 1 of 4.33 g - - and 0.22 g of PhClj. The reduction of the noble metal salts deposited on the carrier material is produced by molding gas at a temperature of 600 (within half an hour. The BET surface area of the catalyst prepared in this way is 18 -24. Example 11. KatanH3aTOpbi prepared according to examples 9 and 10 is tested in an exhaust stream of an internal combustion engine with an external ignition with an arrangement as described in Fig. I. for their three-functional catalytic activity. The test parameters are as follows: 4-cylinder engine with direct injection of fuel with Bosch-K-Dzhetronik; dynamic test: frequency 1 Hz, 0.995; 1 (vibration range) ± 0.068; exhaust gas temperature 450 ° C; volume velocity 750,000 h:, catalyst aging: engine 150 g. the catalyst measures the following exhaust gas composition: CO2 = 2.55 vol.% HC355 ppm NO 1820 ppm O21.84 vol.%, 5 vol.% The results of the studies with the proposed analyzers of example 10, together with the comparative catalysts of example 9, are given in table. 4 (the average value of 3 two samples). Here again, it is confirmed that the npe / uiarae catalyst, as in Example 3, is significantly superior to the comparative Koireepium NO and even at the ratio of Pt: Ph 19: 1 there is an acceptable conversion of NO. Data on the composition of the catalysts according to the quoted examples are given in table. five. ten 1170958 Table 1 The exhaust gas temperature is 450 ° C. Exhaust gas temperature 450С. atalis Co,% op for example I a lOa 94,089,3 92.6 87.5 96 106 89.4 84.7 9v 10v 89.0 80.5 9g 10t 87.5 0,008 0.016 table 2 About 1 CO 1 CO one I мlmks Emergency X ,eight QT.F 94.5 93.1 7.8 93.1 95.5 92.3 96.7 96 92.1 95.6 Table NOj (,% NA,% 90.9 89.0 98.1 78.3 89.3 86.3 89.3 67.5 84.6 80.2 90.2 56.5 84.1 77.6 91.6 Table 5 AL window width 0.060, 050, 04D CeOg, ZrOt GeO2.2gOg Q Ce Og, ZrO g% fCfffj CeO, ZrOg- 4% fefO3 B CeOg, ZrOt 6.6% fsgQj 0.030, 020 .078 U “2 ± ma 80, 85 and 90%, cmefje d / jpeSpau enuJi CO, Oxi / f C Fig. 3 Contents of RegOz () 0,980 0,9650,990. 4 AL - a075 o- CO / NOx 0 / n7 mM nal mffi / a, 995 BeforeAfter f (cfmo / n / 3o / rfo / ooft ffa / rfo ajff 7Ofla . s ora / Kama / rifjcfmopa 1170958 After .ffff L - /, OP5 ,at 7 L - 1, OP6 Sz A / f- G4, 785 L 1,0058 , 7s L - f, ffffJ7 FIG. 6
Claims (2) [1] 1. The catalyst for purification of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines containing metals of the platinum group, cerium dioxide and zirconium dioxide, a promoting additive on a carrier - alumina, which is a molded bulk material or deposited on a monolithic cordierite structural amplifier in an amount of 5- 15 wt.%, Characterized in that, in order to increase the activity of the catalyst, it contains platinum and rhodium as a metal of the platinum group, nickel or aluminum and, additionally, iron oxide as a promoter, and gamma-alumina as a carrier, if necessary 2.4-2.6 wt.% calcium oxide, with the following ratio of components, wt.%: Platinum 0.69-0.99 Rhodium 0.052-0.346 Cerium Dioxide 2.2-5.45 Zirconium dioxide 3.3 -5.45 Iron oxide 1.8-5.45 0.5 aluminum or Nickel 3.8 Gamma-alumina The rest with platinum and rhodium in a mass ratio of 2.0-19.0: 1, cerium dioxide and zirconium oxide in a mass ratio of 1: 1-2.8, platinum and rhodium in aluminum in a mass ratio 1.8-2.1: 1, platinum and rhodium to nickel - in a mass ratio of 1: 4. [2] 2. A method of producing a catalyst for purification of exhaust gases of internal combustion engines by impregnating gamma alumina with aqueous solutions of cerium and zirconium salts and drying or mixing gamma alumina with oxides of these elements, then calcining in air followed by treatment of the support with aqueous solutions of the group metal salts platinum, drying and calcining, characterized in that, in order to obtain a catalyst with increased activity, when impregnated pre-stabilized if necessary calcium oxide, gamma alumina with aqueous solutions of cerium salt and zirconium salt solution is administered additionally. iron or when mixing the oxides of these metals, iron oxide is added, calcination is carried out at 700 ° C for 1 h, then, when the support is treated with metal salts of the platinum group, an additional solution of aluminum or nickel salts is added, and at the last stage the catalytic mass is treated with a hydrogen-containing gas at 500–600 ° C.
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申请号 | 申请日 | 专利标题 DE2907106A|DE2907106C2|1979-02-23|1979-02-23|Catalytic converter and its use for cleaning exhaust gases from internal combustion engines| 相关专利
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